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Microbiology  is the study of microscopic organisms, those being unicellular (single cell), multicellular (cell colony), or acellular (lacking cells). Microbiology encompasses numerous sub-disciplines including virology, mycology, parasitology, and bacteriology.

Cellular microbiology attempts to use pathogenic microbes as tools for cell-biology research, and to employ cell-biology methods to understand the pathogenicity of microbes. Toxins and virulence factors from microbes have been used for decades to influence processes in eukaryotic cells and to study them. It has increasingly appeared that applying a purified toxin on a cell does not always provide the complete picture, and that understanding the role of the toxin in pathogenicity, the way the toxin promotes the microbe, the way the toxin is produced and the co-evolution of the toxin and its host-cell counterparts, is crucial.

  • JW 74 EI1413

    JW 74是Wnt 通路抑制剂。

  • IWP 4 EI1376

    IWP 4是Wnt/β-catenin signaling的活性抑制剂。

  • XAV-939 EY1720

    XAV-939能够通过抑制tankyrase1/2而选择性抑制Wnt/β-catenin介导的转录,IC50分别为11 nM/4 nM,对CRE, NF-κB和TGF-β无抑制作用。

  • A-674563 EY1670

    A-674563是Akt1抑制剂,IC50为14 nM,还能抑制PKA和CDK2,IC50分别为16和46 nM。

  • ICG-001 EY1452

    ICG-001拮抗Wnt/β-catenin/TCF介导的转录,并特异性结合到启动子结合蛋白(CBP),IC50为3 μM,但不能结合到相关的转录共激活因子p300上。

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