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  • Docusate Sodium EY2687

    Docusate Sodium is a laxative used to treat constipation, for constipation due to the use of opiates it maybe used with a stimulant laxative.

  • Amodiaquin EY2688

    Amodiaquin is a histamine N-methyltransferase inhibitor, used as an antimalarial and anti-inflammatory agent.

  • Chlormadinone acetate EY2690

    Chlormadinone acetate has antiandrogenic activity. It has been used in combinations as an oral contraceptive. Chlormadinone acetate is a steroidal progestin, with antiandrogen and antiestrogenic effects.

  • Fluphenazine EY2674

    Fluphenazine dihydrochloride is a phenothiazine-class D1DR and D2DR inhibitor; used to deliver Fluphenazine to biological systems in studies probing the effects and metabolic fates of this commonly used dopamine antagonist.

  • Piperazine EY2677

    Piperazine is an organic compound that consists of a six-membered ring containing two nitrogen in the ring.

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