VDAC (Voltage-dependent anion channels) are a class of porin ion channel located on the outer mitochondrial membrane. VDAC facilitates the exchange of ions and molecules between mitochondria and cytosol and is regulated by the interactions with other proteins and small molecules. The voltage-dependent ion channel plays a key role in regulating metabolic and energetic flux across the outer mitochondrial membrane. 
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    Cyclandelate is an effective inhibitor of rat hepatic acycloenzyme A: cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) with IC50 of 80 μM.

  • Cinchophen EY2551

    Cinchophen is an analgesic drug that is frequently used to treat gout.

  • Betamipron EY2552

    Betamipron is a chemical compound which is used together with panipenem to inhibit panipenem uptake into the renal tubule and prevent nephrotoxicity.

  • Choline Chloride EY2541

    Choline chloride is a quaternary ammonium salt used as an additive for animal feed.

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    Uracil is one of the four nucleobases in the nucleic acid of RNA can be used for drug delivery and as a pharmaceutical.

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